Our programs grew from the needs of individuals with intellectual disabilities who have been excluded from regular rehabilitation programs for a long time. They also grew out of the need of people who, even though they’re involved in programs at other institutions and organizations, still need friends and support for participating in the life of their local community; and also from their families’ need for a break and support in maintaining the balance between work and family.
Konačno, naši programi izrasli su iz potreba našeg društva za inicijativama koje okupljaju različite i pozivaju na susret, izgradnju povjerenja i solidarnost, osobito s najranjivijim članovima društva.
In our work, we draw from 50 years of good practice of the L’Arche community around the world, as well as from contemporary approaches in educational rehabilitation and protection of mental health of individuals with intellectual disabilities.
Spirituality is part of the life of our community, which is built on Gospel values in the Catholic tradition and which nurtures the ecumenical spirit and openness. Each person is called, if that is their desire, to deepen their spiritual life according to the religious tradition they belong to. We also wish to build fellowship with everyone who nurtures human values, regardless of their religious belief, or lack thereof, through respecting each others’ differences. It is on this path that the people with intellectual disabilities teach us the true culture of coming together and accepting others just the way they are.

Mutuality is respect, honesty, and caring for one another. Mutual relationships between people with and people without intellectual disabilities are at the core of our lives. They open us up for coming together. In such relationships, we don’t need to be perfect, nor do we need to hide behind the need to succeed or to compete. We can be just as we are!
Susretati druge i drugačije dio je naše misije. Želimo zajedno otkrivati radost i ljepotu života, te graditi društvo kojemu svatko pripada, bez obzira na svoje sposobnosti. Naša misija je izrasla iz potrebe našega društva za inicijativama koje okupljaju različite i pozivaju na susret, izgradnju povjerenja i solidarnost, osobito s najranjivijim članovima društva. Kroz iskrene susrete, osobe s intelektualnim teškoćama donose dar sućuti, zajedništva, nježne prisutnosti i utjehe.